Heroes Season 3

i just definitely can't believe it! one of my most faved tv series of all time, HEROES, started airing their third season this last monday. i wasn't aware that a third season was already in the works, after the writer's guild strike in america, i thought the series is still in hiatus. how did i know heroes was back? the story was i was checking out torrents on isohunt.com for new movie releases, psp games, software, etc. and then i happened to look at the sidebar that shows the top searches for the day. and then i saw it. HEROES was on number two of the list, second only to axxo. "there must be something stirring up," i thought to myself. i haven't checked out on the series for a loooonnnggggggg time.
i got excited, i don't know what to do then. heroes was one of those shows that made me watch t.v., most of the spare time that i have i spend on the web in front of the monitor. and so i went and clicked on the linked. i was more surprised after that. the torrent tags says Heroes.S03E01.HDTV.XviD-0TV.avi and below it another one saying Heroes.S03E02.HDTV.XviD-0TV.avi. are my eyes simply deceiving me or what? and so i downloaded the torrent and waited until all the files were downloaded. well, it took me at least a day to finish downloading. i've just finished it this afternoon. i've checked my torrent download after coming home from work and there it was. DOWNLOAD COMPLETE. mwahahahaha. i just can't contain myself anymore. i've immediately shoved my brother away from the pc (he was using it until then) and watched heroes.
actually there were 3 episodes shown. a flashback episode, summarizing the plot so far for the past two seasons, and the two, YES THERE WERE TWO, premiere episodes which were shown back to back!
EPISODE 1 was titled "THE second coming" and the pacing was really quick and exciting, it quickly got me engrossed. future peter was the one who shot nahan. sylar finally got hold of claire's powers. nathan 'lived again' because of linderman. and YES, LINDERMAN is BACK. i dunno how it happened but i hope it gets to be explained in future episodes. present peter was locked inside another ability users body by future peter maybe by using matt's power. and o yeah, officer parkman was whisked away somewhere, sometime (later found out to be in an african savanna) and hiro was given a mission by his father. i was most intrigued in hiro's story.
hiro was told by his father to protect half of the formula that would make or break the world. the bad part was the moment he got hold of the formula it was instantly whisked away by a speedster whose name i did not catch. nvm. hiro wanted to find out more and went to the future to see what would be the effect if the formula got stolen and he saw it. ANDO shooting a red-lightning bolt across him, killing future hiro on the spot. i believed that scene permanently made a rift in the relationship between these two buddies. i just hope they get over that rift quickly. interestingly, the speedster woman seems to be able to counter hiro's ability since she can move even though hiro stops/freezes time. this may be explained by time dilation, since hiro has not yet fully recovered in using back his powers, he may may be freezing time the same way he used to before. since the speedster moves SUPER FAST, time slows down for her (as explained by einstein) and hiro's slowing down time isn't slow or FREEZED enough for her and she can still move freely in hiro's time freeze. EPISODE 2 titled "the butterfly effect" involves, sylar breaking in the Company's prison facility to get the powers of other users. unfortunately, elle, blinded with rage after his father's death under sylar's hands let out a devastating electric shock attacked knocking sylar out, but on the bad side let loose many of the imprisoned power users that are the "VILLAINS" which explains the volume title for this season. of course caught up in this is PETER who was trapped in another body by future peter for some reason that i am already tired to type about. also, suresh was able to successfully 'inject'/'activate' powers on himself thanks to maya but at a dangerous price. and that ends the first two premiere episodes of heroes. there are a lot of things that i didn't mention. there was also a foreshadowing of an epic showdown between our beloved heroes and the villains. to BOOT it all it was foreshadowed/precognized by angela petrelli. i haven't got the faintest clue that che got powers. so that explains where the petrelli bros. got their powers. enough with the spoilers. go and watch it for yourself!
one thing that i liked about the first episode was that it was able to tell me how sylar operates on his victims. he is studying the brain activity of his prey and tries to mimic them on his own brain using his intuitive aptitude. so that his brain would mimic the adrenaline activities that give these special people their powers.
here's a dialogue that made it all clear. SYLAR does not eat people's brains. it's gross.
here's a dialogue between claire and sylar...
claire: "are you gonna eat it?"
sylar: "eat your brain? claire, that's disgusting."
and the world will never be rid of sylar ever again... the end... or so i thought until...
i can't wait to see what will happen next on the third episode.