monday na naman bukas

well yeah that's what i hate about mondays. on the contrary i have something to look forward too on mondays and that is our japanese language classes that i get to 'sit-in' with the other students. last week we weren't able to have our regular classes because of the class suspension.
learning another langauage is definitely cool and a little japanese wouldn't hurt ayt? at least now when i learned the language i wouldn't have to wait for the manga and anime that i'm reading to be translated. wahoo...
wahahahaha... anyways i've added a few cool new features on my blog here at blogspot, take for example the shoutbox that i've placed at the bottom of my blog... you just scroll down 'til you reach the bottom or you could just click the "quickscroll-to-the-bottom" link on the 'pullout page' above.
anyways, i've gotta prepare for my lessons tomorrow which i know will break the hearts of most of my students! mwahahahahahaha *cue evil music*
Labels: munsci, teacher life