ohaiyou! okay, for those who do not know it, munsci is recently having japanese language classes every monday and last monday was no different having its usual share of jap lessons from yuneda sensei. yuneda sensei is a good teacher despite the language barrier he could still teach purty well with the aid of racquel sensei. so these so called nihonggo (that's what the japs call it) language classes have started 5 weeks ago and this would be our fourth session already (there were no lessons last week because of the class suspension. anyways, today we practiced writing some basic japanese characters and i think i'm doing pretty good with my A-I-U-E-O's and Ka-Ki-Ku-Ke-Ko's so far and today we got a bit advanced by learning several more japanese characters. btw, the characters that we are practicing right now is hiragana which is very good for starters.
so here are some of the words that i've learned today. we had a bingo contest and we filled our bingo cards with words that we learned that day. too bad i didn't won the contest but heck, i learned a lot!
could you guess what the words meant from the pictures that i drew. for those who already knew how to write their characters yiou have the freedom to criticize and comment on my writing. anyways my writing is shaky as i did this drawing on photoshop with my tablet pen. have fun
i'd be giving the answers on what the words meant some other time. for the meantime try giving the answers, i might even give out a simple prize.

Labels: nihonggo classes
11:26 PM
Erm, hi sir.
I'm really sorry for the link T__T
Anyway, Imma try answer your quiz (w/o cheating):
Plant, table, book, eraser, clock, chair, money, bag, car, door, school and pencil. Not sure about the first one *0*
I really envy you for the classes. I wanted to attend, sayang nga lang since we have classes scheduled. :[
Sir, peace na tayo! ;^^ top
10:51 PM
fude bako?
wahahahaha... uu mali nga ang first one mo... anyways, kaasar naman at plant ang tingin mo duon :( top
7:02 PM
Eh sir, mukhang plant po. (Wahaha) DX Ano po ba yun? Pencil holder? Wahhh T^T top
9:29 PM
By any chance, may nihonngo class daw sa munsci? bakit ngaun pa na wala na ako diyan. T_T top
5:46 PM
yap... meron po ivan... sigh... ang saya nga ng nihonggo classes eh XD top