the scheiter-eman correspondence...
dear bro. joe,
gosh i really liked that article you last dent to us guyz here...
i really appreciated it...
may you continue to share with us these wonderful articles that truly we could all learn and grow from...
we all love you!
Mon, 28 Nov 2005 00:20:51
Thanks for your reply and kind words.
Are you teaching? physics? Where? how many
sections? Number of students/section?
Don't get discouraged. Teaching is tough work,
especially a subject like physics. Have good contact
with their math teachers. Are there several physics
teachers in your school? Work together.
Keep in contact with your classmates. Share
difficulties, solutions, joys. Get the kids to think,
analyze, higher order thinking skills!!
If in Manila, stop in to say hello. Just go to DLSU
south gate and phone me. I'm usually here 24/7.
Best wishes. Have a blessed Christmas!!
Br. Joe S.
Mon, 28 Nov 2005 00:20:51
bro. joe,
thanks again for the advice bro.
don't worry, i wouldn't forget to drop by whenever i'm around the area...
by the way, i'm already practice teaching at Muntinlupa National High School. the students here as just great and they pick up pretty fast... though i find it difficult to manage them (they're just too many -- 67 pupils in a class)
but i see this as a challenge for me to overcome...
wish me luck!
Tue, Nov 29 2005 15:30:12
Re: managing students:
Keep calm; don't lose your temper (cool). Be very
clear on your classroom rules. E.g. no walking
around, one person speaks at a time, raise hand to
volunteer answer or ask a question, no calling out
answers, etc. Be very clear on homework.
Have the same class proceedure each class, each day.
So students know what to expect. Collect and check
their homework. The best you can do with homework and
large classes is to give them credit for doing it.
You probably won't have time to look for errors and
to write corrections. They should write corrections
on their papers when you go through the homework in
class, then they can study it later.
I trust you had something about classroom management
in some education courses at PNU. St. La Salle also
wrote about it. He encouraged teachers to speak
little. Assign students in each class to take care of
simple things, e.g. adjusting windows, lights, chairs,
erasing chalkboard, etc. That gives you some time to
rest, get your breath, and keep an eye on whole class.
Remember you are "boss". You know much more than they
about physics, etc. Just relax. Be confident in
Speak loudly, clearly, slowly. Project your voice and
speak to the kids in the back of the room. Write
large and clear on chalkboard. Fill boards left to
right. Don't skip steps (e.g. in solving problems).
Cheers!! Br. Joe S.
Best wishes.
Thu, 1 Dec 2005 23:59:28
dear bro. joe,
gee... that's a lot of advice...
don't worry i'll keep them all in mind.
thanks a lot...
Cheers! Eman